Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hamish and Piri

Hamish and Piri are our goats.. Well let me re-word that - They are my husband Mike's goats. They are about one year old now - and were once well trained (thanks to the Marshall children!) - until it comes to walking through from their secure area - to their grazing paddock. They often taken a detour, if not attached by their leads, into the house garden. Their favourite plants - aside from my old fashioned roses, are globe thistles - which take a severe beating/pruning given the chance - which of course they take at a drop of a hat . Luckily they have not attacked my large ceramic pot full of bulbs - which is beautifullly arranged with white +mauve freesias and ranunculas, anenomes and daffodils!
They have escaped a couple of times - which is not uncommon for goats - as they are pretty smart. I haven't caught them in the house yet... but I do not doubt that one day I will. I was going to rename them when they first arrived " Dan and Carter" ... but they are so.o.o.o. naughty - there is no way I can yell those names using my loud "mother" tone :).